CrossFit is
Constantly Varied
Functional Movement
Performed at High Intensity
And is
Universally Scalable
Let me break it down for you now.
Constant variation.
Just like life is always different no two works outs are ever really the same. Sure in life you have a general pattern you follow but there is always something that comes along and disturbs the peace and messes with the equilibrium. So too in CrossFit we have some Foundational movements that you will see a lot of ( more on that in a second ) but the Time Domains, Rep Schemes, Order of exercises, Numerological stresses, and adaptations to our work outs are always unique and varied this type of variation fights off boredom, plateaus in progress, as well as over use injuries while always forcing the body to adapt and improve.
FUNctional Movement:
Just like it says these movements are the fun ones no lateral raises or BOSU Balls here. More importantly than that however is the fact that the functional movements we use apply to life and to sport in every way. Nearly every movement in sport is driven from core to extremity and engine for those movements is the posterior chain( Glutes, Hamstrings and low back, with a whole bunch of other muscle groups chipping in as well) so this is what we train through an endless variety of exercises with any number of individual variations for each exercise. Functional movements also train the body as one unit, not separate muscle groups. You are a system of systems that can not be separated and isolated for effective training with out the use of drugs with more side effects than benefits. Recognizing this we train full body compound movements on a daily basis. Examples of functional movements are: Squats, Dead Lifts, Cleans and Jerks, Pull-ups, and Push -ups just to name a few.
High Intensity :
Average Power output it the variable most closely associated with Improved performance and physical adaptation to training. The way we measure this is by timing out work outs. Here is a simple way to think about this. If I told you to do 100 pull-ups and ran a stop watch to see how long it took you I have a data point. Now two things have just happened. First you now have a clock running and so have a score for your work out, this will automatically and probably subconsciously push you just a little bit harder, secondly is we have a base line or measurement of your fitness that is accurate because we know you went as fast as you could to beat the clock. Then six months late I tell you to do 100 pull ups again, now not only are you racing the clock but your previous score as well which again will automatically up your effort level and with your improved fitness from 6 months of training you time will be drastically cut for this work out. This is how we measure intensity and how we elicit Bigger physiological adaptations and do so quicker than a traditional training program. Lastly lets take my previous example and now put it in a group setting, now you are not only racing the clock but your peers as well again automatically and subconsciously upping your effort and intensity level. What matters here is not who "wins" the work out but that each aand every member of the group tried harder than they might of alone and that is what makes all the difference.
Universal Scalability:
I guarantee that anyone no matter who you are or how long its been since you did something remotely physical can do CrossFit and that is because the movements are simply what your body is supposed to be doing. If it has been so long that you cannot complete a single squat well guess what you can get in and out of a chair right? That my friends is a scaled squat. How about pull-up well just step right into a strength band ( think giant thick rubber band) that will assist you along the way to building that strength back up. any and every movement can be scaled and modified so that you can complete the work out. Remember also from above that it doesn't matter how you scale or because it is the effort that determines intensity and drives results.
At its core this is what CrossFit is, and what we do. All in an effort to Increase Work Capacity Across Broad Time And Modal Domains, But IWABTAMD is for another post I think. Have fun and post questions and thoughts to comments.
Big Mike
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